Mother's Day Gift Subscription Monthly Bouquet - 3 Months
Mother's Day Gift Subscription Monthly Bouquet - 3 Months
Mother's Day Gift Subscription Monthly Bouquet - 3 Months
Mother's Day Gift Subscription Monthly Bouquet - 3 Months

Mother's Day Gift Subscription Monthly Bouquet - 3 Months

Regular price
Sale price


Even better than just sending flowers on Mother's Day, give a subscription so the mother in your life can receive flowers every month for 3 months!

Once a month, we'll deliver a bouquet of seasonal blooms and greens to your recipient.


The first bouquet will be delivered on Mother's Day - Sunday, May 12. Bouquets will be custom-designed and specially gift-wrapped for Mother's Day.

Small bouquet is approximately 10 stems. Medium is approximately 10-20 stems. Large bouquet is 15-25 stems.


We deliver within Manhattan (below 125th), Brooklyn, and parts of Queens and delivery is free for subscriptions. Click here for more details on where we deliver.



Currently, June and July delivery dates are as follows. However, delivery dates may be adjusted depending on COVID-19 and status of New York on Pause.

June's bouquet delivery will be Tuesday, June 15.

July's bouquet will be delivered Tuesday, July 13.