Monthly Bouquet
Monthly Bouquet
Monthly Bouquet
Monthly Bouquet
Monthly Bouquet

Monthly Bouquet

Regular price
Sale price
Quantity must be 1 or more

Once a month, receive a bouquet of seasonal blooms and greens. 

June's delivery date is Tuesday, June 15. 

Order by Sunday, April 11 to receive an April bouquet. Orders received after the 11th will receive a bouquet starting in May.

Small bouquet is 5-10 stems. Medium is approximately 10-20 stems. Large bouquet is 15-25 stems.

We deliver within Manhattan (below 125th), Brooklyn, and parts of Queens. Delivery is free for subscriptions! Delivery is $5 for one-time orders. Click here for more details on where we deliver. 

July bouquets will be delivered on July 13.

August bouquets will be delivered on August 17.